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EPS-TOPIK - Korean 1 - For English Speakers - Self Study Textbook

EAN: 9791129052001

ISBN: 979-11-290-5200-1 // ISBN: 9791129052001
Año de edición: 2024
Editorial: Jinhan
Número de páginas: 384
Idioma: coreano, inglés
País de origen: Corea

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Nota de la editorial en inglés:

This textbook is designed to help learners in studying the Revised Edition of the Standard Korean Language Textbook (『한국어 표준교재 개정판』), which was designed to support students to prepare for the Korean Language Proficiency Test at their own home. This book comprises self study materials developed especially for people in English-speaking countries in accordance with their local language and socio-cultural environment so that they can learn Korean with interest and more easily. For this reason, the first part of the textbook briefly summarizes the differences between Korean and English.

This textbook was also designed to serve as a reference book, considering that there may be no Korean language institutes and no Korean language teachers where students live in their home countries. In addition, taking into account an environment where there is not much opportunity to practice Korean language, the textbook was made to function as a practice book, and it was also designed to prepare students for EPS-TOPIK. Moreover, the structure of the textbook was designed to act as a virtual teacher to guide learning. Especially, the explanations of key elements of Korean grammar included in the ‘Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet’ unit and the fact that each lesson was recorded in English are intended to help students’ understanding. In the appendix, a vocabulary list and a table of the conjugations of verbs and adjectives was added for the convenience of learners.


예비편 Preparatory Lessons
1. 한글 익히기Ⅰ Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet I
2. 한글 익히기Ⅱ Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet
3. 교실 한국어 Korean Classroom Expressions
4. 안녕하세요 Hello.
5. 주말 잘 보내세요 Have a great weekend. 기본 생활 Basic Life
6. 저는 투안입니다 My name is Tuan.
7. 여기가 사무실이에요 This is the office.
8. 12시 30분에 점심을 먹어요 I have lunch at 12:30 pm.
9. 가족이 몇 명이에요? How many family members do you have?
10. 어제 도서관에서 한국어를 공부했어요 I studied Korean at the library yesterday.
11. 사과 다섯 개 주세요 Please give me five apples.
12. 병원 옆에 약국이 있어요 There is a pharmacy next to the hospital.
13. 시청 앞에서 일곱 시에 만나요 Let’s meet in front of City Hall at 7 o’clock.
14. 저는 비빔밥을 먹을래요 I would like to have Bibimbap.
15. 날씨가 맑아서 기분이 좋아요 I feel good because the weather is clear and sunny. 일상 및 여가 생활 Daily and Leisure Life
16. 시간이 있을 때 주로 테니스를 치러 가요 I usually go play tennis when I have time.
17. 휴가 때 제주도에 다녀올 거예요 I will go visit Jejudo over the break.
18. 버스나 지하철을 타고 가요 I go by bus or by subway.
19. 거기 한국가구지요? This is Hangook Furniture, isn’t it?
20. 저는 설거지를 할게요 I’ll wash the dishes.
21. 상 차리는 것을 도와줄까요? Would you like some help setting the table?
22. 무단횡단을 하면 안 돼요 Do not jaywalk.
23. 어른께는 두 손으로 물건을 드려야 돼요 Use both hands when giving something to your elders.
24. 한국 영화를 보면서 공부해요 I watch Korean movies to study the Korean language.
25. 일요일마다 교회에 가요 I go to church every Sunday. 공공기관 Public Institutions
26. 밥을 먹은 후에 이 약을 드세요 Please take this medicine after a meal.
27. 어디가 아프십니까? Where does it hurt?
28. 통장을 만들려고 왔어요 I came to open a bank account.
29. 필리핀으로 엽서를 보내고 싶은데요 I would like to send a postcard to the Philippines.
30. 거기에서 태권도를 배울 수 있어요? Can I learn Taekwondo there?

Descripción del examen EPS-TOPIK en inglés:

EPS-TOPIK Test (also called KLT) is conducted by Ministry of Employment and Labor of South Korea for the selection of foreigner workers to work in Korean manufacturing units, construction sites, agriculture etc. It tests the language skills of potential foreign employees to make sure that they can perform their duties in Korea efficiently and can also lead their everyday life without any language problems.Based on the EPS-TOPIK score they make a list of eligible foreign job seekers who can then apply for jobs and get proper working visa(E-9).

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EPS-TOPIK - Korean 1 - For English Speakers - Self Study Textbook
EPS-TOPIK - Korean 1 - For English Speakers - Self Study Textbook

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