EAN: 9788927732112
ISBN: 978-89-277-3211-2 // ISBN: 9788927732112
Año de edición: 2018
Editorial: Darakwon
Número de páginas: 112
Idioma: inglés, coreano
País de origen: Corea
Easy & Fun Korean Penmanship - Hangeul step by step! es un libro pensado para todos aquellos que no tienen una base previa y quieran comenzar a aprender coreano desde cero. Este libro está enfocado en el aprendizaje del Hangul, su pronunciación y algunas palabras de vocabulario básico.
El libro comienza con una breve introducción con la historia del Hangul y el aprendizaje de las vocales y las consonantes. Cada letras contiene espacio para practicar la caligrafía, orden de trazos, una breve explicación de cómo se debe pronunciar e instrucciones que indican cómo se debe colocar la boca y la lengua para pronunciar correctamente cada una de las letras.
Una vez que el estudiante ha aprendido todo el Hangul, podrá comenzar a hacer los ejercicios para aprender vocabulario básico. El libro incluye un CD con todas las letras y los ejemplos leídos para practicar la pronunciación y el vocabulario que incluye el libro. Al final del libro, se incluye un índice con todas las palabras del libro traducidas y ordenadas.
Un buen material para todos aquellos que quieran comenzar a dar los primeros pasos en el aprendizaje de la lengua coreana.
Descripción ofrecida por la editorial
〈Easy & Fun Korean Penmanship〉 is a self-study book on Korean penmanship for foreigners studying Korean for the first time. This book teaches you all the consonants, vowels, double vowels, and final consonants (batchim) in Korean. Then it will take you through basic conversational Korean, including how to introduce yourself to people, greet people, and ask for direction. You get to learn Hangul (the Korean alphabet) and practice Korean penmanship. But that’s not all! To help you utilize what you’ve learned in real life, this book also includes fun writing exercises like writing short memos and post cards. As this is a book for English-speaking Korean learners, English translations accompany the Korean parts, and a “Hangul Study Chart” is provided in the appendix to make learning Korean easier and more fun.
The Most Important Part Is the Beginning! Start with Hangul.
* Detailed description about each Korean syllable and abundant practice exercises!
This book gives detailed descriptions about the Korean consonants and vowels, double vowels, and final consonants, and you can use the provided audio files to practice writing. You can quickly learn Korean by looking at the different combinations of consonants and vowels, as well as suggested vocabulary words accompanied by illustrations.
* Practice your writing through various example scenarios and fun quizzes!
Each chapter has a section called , which includes fun quizzes like ghost leg, mazes, and dictations, to help you learn Korean. The book also let you practice using vocabulary and sentences that are commonly used day-to-day, such as introducing yourself, asking for directions, and writing cards.
* “Hangul Study Table” to help you study Korean whenever you want
The complementary “Hangul Study Table” provided in the appendix can be taken with you wherever you go. Or you can post it on your desk or wall, so you can practice all the consonants and vowels, and the basic combinations of consonants and vowels in Korean at your convenience. Additionally, it includes the words for days of the week, numbers, and time.
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