EAN: 9788956057187
My weekely Korean vocabulary 1
ISBN: 978-8-95605-718-7 // ISBN: 978-8-9560-5-7088
Year of publication: 2015
Publisher: Long Tail Books
Number of pages: 288
Languages: English, Korean
Country of origin: Corea
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My weekly Korean Vocabulary 1 is a book that helps in improving and learning new vocabulary in Korean.
Each day, the student is provided with a new word or expression, for example, "phone call". Along with the word, there are additional sentences in which students will see the word they have just studied. "house phone", "international call", "to call", "to receive a call", "telephone joke" etc. This way, students can contextualize vocabulary and in every situation they repeat and memorize the word they have just studied.
The book establishes a study plan of 12 weeks and no matter the level of Korean of the students, the main goal is to learn new words. At the end of the book, the student will master 84 words, 20 sentences of each of them and also grammar notes.
Through this link, you can obtain the audios of all reviewed words: Talk to me in Korean 1
My Weekly Korean Vocabulary 1 is a book edited and designed by Talk To Me in Korean team, which is a free access website with content to learn Korean. In their website, you can find more than 800 lessons of Korean, the website www.talktomeinkorean.com represents the biggest community of students of Korean around the world.
My weekly Korean Vocabulary also has a second volume: My weekly Korean vocabulary 2
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