EAN: 9781138698284
500 Common Korean Idioms (Includes Free Audio Download)
ISBN: 978-1-138-69828-4 // ISBN: 9781138698284
Publication date: 2018
Publisher: Routledge
Number of Pages: 236
Languages: English, Korean
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Link to access the audio of the book
500 Common Korean Idioms collects the 500 most used idioms from the Korean language, with their literal and natural translations. The notes explain their meaning and the examples provide context and show the adequate use of each of these expressions. Furthermore, the publisher has provided the students with the audios, in MP3, of each of the idioms.
500 Common Korean Idioms is suitable for intermediate-advanced students willing to boost their vocabulary.
Contents from the book
-Organization of idioms
-Presentation of idiom entries
-List of idiom entries
-500 common Korean idioms
-Appendix: idioms by theme
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