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EPS-TOPIK - Korean 2 - For English Speakers - Self Study Textbook

EAN: 9791129052018

ISBN: 979-11-290-5201-8 // ISBN: 9791129052018
Year of publication: 2024
Publisher: Jinhan
Number of pages: 392
Language: Korean, English
Country of origin: Korea

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Publisher's note in English:

This textbook is designed to help learners in studying the Revised Edition of the Standard Korean Language Textbook (『한국어 표준교재 개정판』), which was designed to support students to prepare for the Korean Language Proficiency Test at their own home. This book comprises self study materials developed especially for people in English-speaking countries in accordance with their local language and socio-cultural environment so that they can learn Korean with interest and more easily. For this reason, the first part of the textbook briefly summarizes the differences between Korean and English.

This textbook was also designed to serve as a reference book, considering that there may be no Korean language institutes and no Korean language teachers where students live in their home countries. In addition, taking into account an environment where there is not much opportunity to practice Korean language, the textbook was made to function as a practice book, and it was also designed to prepare students for EPS-TOPIK. Moreover, the structure of the textbook was designed to act as a virtual teacher to guide learning. Especially, the explanations of key elements of Korean grammar included in the ‘Master Hangeul, the Korean Alphabet’ unit and the fact that each lesson was recorded in English are intended to help students’ understanding. In the appendix, a vocabulary list and a table of the conjugations of verbs and adjectives was added for the convenience of learners.


한국에 대한 이해 Understanding Korea
31. 우리 고향은 서울보다 공기가 맑아요 It’s much fresher in my hometown than it is in Seoul.
32. 복날에는 삼계탕을 먹어요 We eat Samgyetang on the hottest day of the year in summer.
33. 송편을 만드는 체험도 할 수 있어요 You can try making Songpyeon.
34. 아기 옷을 선물하는 게 어때요? How about giving baby clothes as a gift?
35. 한국 드라마가 재미있잖아요 You know that Korean dramas are fun, don’t you? 직장문화 Workplace Culture
36. 단정한 모습이 좋아 보여요 It’s good that you look neat and tidy.
37. 출입문을 꼭 닫읍시다 Keep the entrance closed.
38. 일할 맛이 나요 I like working here.
39. 오늘 회식을 하자고 해요 I was told that we would have a company dinner today.
40. 불쾌감을 느꼈다면 그건 성희롱이에요 If you felt uncomfortable, then that was sexual harrassment. 직장생활 Work life
41. 드라이버로 해 보세요 Try a screwdriver.
42. 이 기계 어떻게 작동하는지 알아요? Do you know how to operate this machine?
43. 철근을 옮겨 놓으세요 Please move the rebar.
44. 페인트 작업을 했거든요 It’s because I was painting.
45. 호미를 챙겼는데요 I have my hoe ready.
46. 더 신경 쓰도록 하자 Let’s keep an eye on them.
47. 재고를 파악하는 것이 중요해요 It’s important to keep track of stock.
48. 다치지 않도록 조심하세요 Please make sure that you don’t get injured.
49. 안전화를 안 신으면 다칠 수 있어요 If you don’t wear safety shoes, you may get injured.
50. 열심히 해 준 덕분이에요 You should take credit for this. 법령 및 제도 Laws and Regulations
51. 한국에 가서 일을 하고 싶은데요 I would like to work in Korea.
52. 근로 조건이 좋은 편이에요 I have been offered pretty decent working conditions.
53. 외국인 등록을 하러 가요 I’m on my way to apply for alien registration.
54. 보험금을 신청하려고요 I plan to file an insurance claim.
55. 급여 명세서를 확인해 보세요 Please check your pay stub.
56. 이번 여름 휴가 계획은 세웠어? Have you planned your summer vacation?
57. 사업장을 변경하고 싶은데 I would like to change my work location.
58. 체류 기간을 연장한 후에 꼭 신고해야 해 You have to report to the office after extending your stay. 직장생활용어 Work Life Team
59. 산업 안전 Ⅰ Industrial Safety Ⅰ

Description of the EPS-TOPIK test:

EPS-TOPIK Test (also called KLT) is conducted by Ministry of Employment and Labor of South Korea for the selection of foreigner workers to work in Korean manufacturing units, construction sites, agriculture etc. It tests the language skills of potential foreign employees to make sure that they can perform their duties in Korea efficiently and can also lead their everyday life without any language problems.Based on the EPS-TOPIK score they make a list of eligible foreign job seekers who can then apply for jobs and get proper working visa(E-9).

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EPS-TOPIK - Korean 2 - For English Speakers - Self Study Textbook
EPS-TOPIK - Korean 2 - For English Speakers - Self Study Textbook

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