EAN: 9788953912335
Active Korean 2 (Student Book)- Includes CD
ISBN: 978-89-539-1233-5 // ISBN: 9788953912335
Year of publication: 2007
Publisher: Moonjinmedia
Number of pages: 158
Languages: Korean, English
Country of origin: Corea
About this Book:
Seoul National University presents an ideal series for short-term Korean study: Active Korean.
Active Korean series developed by the Language Education Institute of Seoul National University, help learners develop their communicative skills in Korean in effective ways within a short period of time.
This book is composed of essential vocabulary, grammar and expressions for beginners derived from everyday situations and functions of real-life. Various tasks and activities are provided to enable learners to acquire the target grammar and apply it to practical situations. Units are organized in consideration of class structure and learners.
Grammar and expressions related to the topic and the give situations, a simple dialogue based on the topic and an extended conversation are presented in order in every unit to suit a general class structure and to facilitate learners' undertsnading and application.
A widely variety of photos and illustrations are provided to arouse learners' interests in learning and enable learners to have an accurate understanding of the given meanings and situations.
This book can be used not only as a textbook for classes but also as a self-study book. Studying each unit in order will lead learners to successfully learn on one's own. To facilitate learners's understanding, explanations on grammar and instructions are presented in English, and self-assessment is possible as well.
It is recommended to buy this book along with the Active Korean 2 (Workbook) to practice all content of the Textbook.
How to Use This Book
Scope and Sequence
UNIT 1 Family
UNIT 2 Transportation
UNIT 3 Reason
UNIT 4 Post Office
UNIT 5 Reservations
UNIT 6 Etiquette
UNIT 7 Hospital
UNIT 8 Advice & Suggestions
UNIT 9 Shopping
Grammar Reference
Listening Transcript
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