EAN: 9788973009589
Ewha Korean 5 Textbook (Inlc. Audio Download)
ISBN: 978-89-7300-958-9 // ISBN: 9788973009589
Year of publication: 2012
Publisher: Ewha Womans University Press
Number of pages: 218
Languages: Korean
Country of origin: Korea
The Ewha Korean method
Ewha Korean is a method to learn Koran language designed by the Language Centre Ewha from the Ewha Womans University.
This method consists of 6 levels. The first three levels are divided into 2 sublevels, that so, it is necessary to pass 8 levels to complete the method. In each of the levels there are three books including:
-A text book
-An exercise book
-A study guide
Ewha Korean covers every language skill: listening and writing understanding and oral and writing expression. Nevertheless, the main objective is to develop the speaking skill. For this reason, in every lection you can find the Try it section, thought to encourage the students to create their own dialogue without memorizing.
Study Guides
The study guides for every level include the translation of the dialogues, the answers to the most complex exercises from the book and an extension to the explanation of the grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. These guides are useful to teachers, however, they are essential to autodidact students.
In levels 1 and 2 from the text books, the statements and explanations are in English and Korean. To distinguish these books from the rest, they are subtitled as “English Version”
On the one hand, it is necessary to know that from level 3, the text books are only written in Korean. On the other hand, all of the exercise books are written only in Korean. As instead, the Study Guide are written in both languages.
The audios from the books are available to download from the university website: www.ewhapress.com or in the link at the beginning of this file.
The exercise books from level 1 (1-1 & 1-2) also include audios. The rest of the exercise books do not include audios.
Ewha Korean 5 Textbook
Ewha Korean 5 consists of ten units and is oriented to intermédiate-high level students.
Ewha Korean 5 is complemented with the exercise book Ewha Korean 5 Workbook and the study guide Ewha Korean 5 Study Guide- English version
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