EAN: 9788968501784
Yonsei Academic Korean- Advanced- Vocabulary & Grammar
ISBN: 978-89-6850-178-4 ISBN: 9788968501784
Publication date: 2016
Publisher: Yonsei University Press
Number of Pages: 375
Language: Korean
Country of Origin: Korea
Yonsei Korean Language Vocabulary ∙ Grammar Series for University Education - Beginner I, II, Intermediary I Yonsei University Korean Language Vocabulary ∙Grammar Series intends to enhance basic vocabulary & grammar knowledge for Korean language learners who desire to receive university education. The textbooks in this series are categorized by 5 levels – Beginner I, Beginner II, Intermediary I, Intermediary II and Advanced. The current series explains Korean vocabulary and grammar necessary for each level and enable learners to efficiently master Korean vocabulary and grammar with practice test.
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