EAN: 9788956057361
Survival Korean
ISBN: 978-8-9560-57361 // ISBN: 9788956057361
Year of publication: 2015
Publisher: Long Tail Books
Number of pages: 228
Languages: English, Korean
Country of origin: Corea
We picked most essential Korean phrases you need to know while traveling or living in Korea, and divided them into 20 different situations, which comes with detailed explanations about the phrase itself AND fun and useful information about the situation where the phrases are used in.
Also, the tips here and there in the book we provide as the locals will help you better understand what is going on, what to do, and what not to do, whichever situation you are in.
For those who have a curious mind and want to communicate with the locals more actively, the book also provides quick guides to everything you need to know including how to read Hangeul, Korean numbers, how to ask a question, etc.
You can use this book as a reference book, pulling out from your purse or your bag whenever you want to know what to say in a certain situation, or you can study the phrases, sentence by sentence, situation by situation.
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