EAN: 9781138669246
The Routledge Course in Korean Translation
ISBN: 978-11-38669-24-6 // ISBN: 9781138669246
Año de edición:
Publisher: Routledge
Número de páginas: 185
Languages: Korean, English
País de origen: Reino Unido
This book is an advance translation course in Korean focused, among other things, in intercultural topics around the translation process from Korean to English and from English to Korean.
This volume presents useful tools to the translators to use when they have problems related to the translation process.
The book is mainly targeted to undergraduate or graduate students who have interest in translation. It can be also useful for researchers with knowledge of linguistics, cultural studies and communication.
The design of the book consist in a theoretical insight, very well explained and a series of translation exercises. The answer key is located at the end of the book.
1. Language matters
2. Translating matters
3. Grammar matters
4. Meaning matters
5. Word matters
6. Tone matters
7. Sound matters
8. Culture matters
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