EAN: 9788952112484
Handaxes in the Imjin Basin
ISBN: 9788952112484 // ISBN: 9788952112484
Publication date: 2017
Publisher: Seoul National University Press
Number of Pages: 186
Language: English
Country of Origin: Korea
Discovery of Acheulian-like handaxes in the Imjin River basin in central Korea in the late 1970s highlighted the inherent problems of the conception of the so-called Movius Line. While they make it clear that mere presence or absence of certain stone tools cannot provide meaningful ground for understanding the real patterning in paleolithic records, these pieces nevertheless do not appear to be identical to similar artifacts found in more westerly locale. In this volume, authors from different backgrounds discuss the characteristics of the East Asian paleolithic assemblages to attempt to understand the overall nature of the regional Pleistocene prehistory.
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