EAN: 9781138291393
The Routledge Course in Business Korean (Incl. audio download)
ISBN: 978-1-138-29139-3 // ISBN: 9781138291393
Year of publication: 2019
Publisher: Routledge
Number of pages: 203
Languages: English. Korean
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Click here to access the audio files
Description by the publisher:
The Routledge Course in Business Korean is a textbook for teaching Korean to mid-intermediate to low-advanced students to learn the language used in a business context in every-day life in Korea. The authors’ intuitive approach makes it easy for students to follow the units, while the relevant and practical learning objectives benefit both student and teacher alike.
The book introduces the vocabulary and key phrases of business Korean and focuses on delivering real business-related situations, authentic expressions, and linguistically and culturally rich introductions and explanations of Korean business life. Audio files can be found on the accompanying e-Resource.
By the end of this course, you will be at level B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages and Advanced Mid-High on the ACTFL proficiency scales.
Unit 1
성수기와 비수기
(Peak season and off season)
Learn getting inexpensive plain tickets, going to a foreign country during peak season and off season
성수기, 비수기, 구입(하다), 저렴하다, 항공권
~(으)ㄹ텐데, (으)ㄹ 걸, ~만 해도, ~ (으)ㄹ지도 모르다
購, 入, 初, 中, 末, 求, 非, 盛, 需, 期
Unit 2
취업 (Employment)
Learn the process of job application in Korea, and how to write resumes and personal statements of self-introduction using key set of vocabulary and sentence patterns
취업, 적성, 지원하다, 자기 소개서, 이력서, 경력, 신입 사원, 공채 모집
~나 보다, ~기는 하는데, ~(으)ㄹ 지(는) 모르다
就, 業, 適, 性, 志 願, 經, 履, 歷, 書
Unit 3
(Job interview)
Learn how to prepare for job interviews in Korean by learning the most common interview questions and appropriate responses, mock interview using key vocabulary and sentence structures
면접관, 지원자 (응시자), 동기, 각오, 장점, 단점, 입사(하다), 성격, 인재
~는 편이다, ~도록 ~하다, ~게 되다
長, 短, 點, 入, 社, 人, 材, 動, 機, 務
Review 1~3
Unit 4
숙소 (Housing in Korea)
Learn types of lease, choosing a house, signing a contract, and talking about utilities in Korea
계약하다, 전세, 월세, 숙소, 집세, 고르다, 목돈, 종류
~은/는 ~는 것이다, ~다시피, ~(으)ㄹ 수 밖에 없다, ~이라도
傳, 月, 貰, 每, 契, 約, 宿, 所, 種, 類
Unit 5
신입사원과 직장생활 (New employee and office life)
Learn work life, human relations at work places, and types of work/task in Korea
직장 생활, 업무, 부서, 상사, 동료, 동기, 낯설다, 적응하다
~기를 바라다, ~라고 하다, ~(으)ㄹ 테니까, ~(으)면 좋겠다
職, 場, 生, 活, 上, 司, 同, 僚, 期
Unit 6
직장예절 (Work place etiquette)
Learn office manners and etiquettes, appropriate speech style and common mistakes in Korea work places
직장 예절, 존댓말, 반말, 동갑, 공적/사적인 장소
~(으)ㄹ까 봐, ~(이)라잖아요, ~은/는 ~을 말하는 거다
同, 甲, 職, 員, 公, 的, 個, 私, 狀, 況
Review 4~6
Unit 7
외근 (Working out of the office)
Learn a key set of vocabulary and sentence patterns in talking about working outside the office, how to do business deals and manage business partners
업무 요청, 거래처, 협력 업체, 외근, 행선지, 효율적이다
~어/아 보니까, ~(으)려나 보다 (추측), ~곤 하다
外, 勤, 退, 協, 力, 行, 先, 地, 去, 來
Unit 8
회식 (Happy hour at work)
Learn about business and colleague relations through the Korean particular culture of what is called ‘company meals’ after work meal for unity and harmony
회식, 친목, 환영회, 동료의식, 단합, 다지다, 포식, 부추기다
~ 겸, ~(이)ㄴ지/는지/은지 잘 모르다, ~(으)ㄹ 뿐(만) 아니라, ~어/아 놓다
會, 食, 飽, 退, 勤, 場, 所, 部, 員, 能
Unit 9
회식 문화와 술자리 예절 (Happy hour and drinking etiquette)
Learn about company meal and drinking etiquette in Korea
음주, 술자리, 과음, 과식, 눈치, 긍정적(이다), 부정적(이다), 관점, 장려(하다), 주를 이루다
~(으)ㄹ만큼, ~라고 할 수 있다, ~(으)ㄴ/는 게 좋겠다
過, 飮, 酒, 利, 用, 主, 肯, 否, 定, 觀
Unit 10
회사 부서 및 업무 (Company organization and work task)
Learn about structure and organization as well as the tasks of each department in Korean companies
영업, 기획, 개발, 제품, 품질, 관리, (업무) 담당, (업무) 처리, 출장, 실무 (경험)
(이/으)ㄴ가;는가/나, ~ (이/으)면 ~(이/으)ㄹ수록, ~(으)ㅁ으로써
國, 內, 海, 外, 新, 製, 品, 質, 出, 張
Review 8~10
Unit 11
마케팅 (Marketing)
Learn the topic of marketing in Korea and different strategies of marketing using about key vocabulary and grammatical expressions
가격, 촉진, 전략, 판매, 유통, 경로, 광고, 온라인, 오프라인, 소비자
~어/아 오다, ~지도 (조차) 못하다, ~ (으)리라고 믿다
消, 費, 者, 販, 賣, 顧, 客, 基, 本, 層
Unit 12
마케팅 회의 (Marketing meeting)
Learn key vocabulary and grammatical expressions used in business meeting, especially on the topic of marketing ideas
실적, 시장 조사, 매출, 기호, 부진하다, 유사, 원인/요인, 떨어지다
~(었/았)다가, ~어/아 내다, ~ 어/아야만
嗜, 好,出,市, 場, 要, 因, 原, 活, 動
Unit 13
출장 (Business trip)
Learn key vocabulary and grammatical expressions in talking about long and short business trips, such as budget, expense, reimbursement, etc.
경비, 단기, 장기, 정산, 일정, 예산, 지출, 출장(지), 사비
~(은)ㄴ/는 대로, ~(으)로서, ~ (기) 나름이다
經, 費, 工, 場, 短, 長, 期, 私, 支, 出
Review 11~13
Unit 14
고객서비스 (Customer service)
Learn a set of vocabulary and grammar sets that have to do with customer service at a company
고객 서비스, 관리, 전화 상담, 소비자 불만, 제품 설명, 안건
~다 보면, ~다고 보다, ~고서야 (~고 나서야)
顧, 客, 管, 理, 相, 談, 不, 滿, 足
List of Grammar expressions
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