EAN: 9788953949485
서울대 한국어 2A Student's book (QR 버전)
ISBN: 978-89-539-4948-5 // ISBN: 9788953949485
Erscheinungsjahr: 2023
Verlag: Moonjinmedia
Seitenzahl: 272
Sprachen: Koreanisch, Englisch
Herkunftsland: Korea
WARNUNG: Neue Ausgabe mit QR-Code - Ersetzt die Ausgabe mit der ISBN 978-89-539-3430-6 (gleicher Inhalt und Paginierung, aber keine CD-Rom mehr enthalten).
머리말 Preface
일러두기 How to use this book
교재구성표 Scope and Sequence
1과처음뵙겠습니다 How do you do?
2과취미가뭐예요? What is your hobby?
3과콘서트에가봤어요? Have you ever been to a concert?
4과옷이좀큰것같아요 The clothes seem a little too big.
5과어디에가면좋을까요? Where would be a good place to go?
6과비행기로보내면얼마예요? How much is it if I send it by airmail?
7과한옥마을이어디에있는지아세요? Do you know where Hanok Village is?
8과 정말속상하겠어요You must feel awful
9과 문의할게있는데요I have something to inquire
활동지 Activities Sheets
문법 해설 Grammar Extension
문화 해설 Culture Extension
듣기 지문 Listening Scripts
모범 답안 Answers Key
어휘 색인 Glossary
Buchbeschreibung des Verlags:
Seoul National University Korean Language is a six-level course book (200 hours of regular learning program per book) and developed for learners of Korean language. The book helps students develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills and helps them apply Korean language in real life situations.
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